About The Lola Aleksi Gjoka Society

Welcome to the homepage of the Lola Aleksi Gjoka Society. The association is the outcome of a beautiful cooperation between dansish and albanian artists in realising the first collected recording of the Albanian songs of Lola Aleksi Gjoka, first albanian pianist and female composer. ( read more on www.musikalskdialog.dk). The aim with the association is to deepen cultural bonds between danish and albanian artist in the field of classical music, threw common concerts, masterclasses, presentations, publication and other cultural events that builds bridghes between our nations.

Lola Aleksi Gjoka project in the press

The association is a cultural association whose purpose is to create a bond between Danish and Albanian musicians to build a bridge to each other's cultural heritage in the world of classical music. This is communicated through concerts, master classes, lectures, studies, recordings and publications of music and literature. The activities are primarily in Denmark, Albania and Kosova. The association is named after Lola Aleksi Gjoka (1910-1987), who was the first concert pianists and female composer.

Contact Association

Mobil: +45 25125033
1903 Frederiksberg C
Sank Knuds Vej 11 kld. tv
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