Articles of association

Articles of Association for "Lola Aleksi Gjoka Selskabet"

§ 1. Name and registered office
Paragraph 1. The name of the association is "Lola Aleksi Gjoka Selskabet.
Subclause 2. The association's registered office is Frederiksberg Municipality.

§ 2. Purpose of the association

PCS. 1.
The association is a cultural association whose purpose is to create a bond between Danish and
Albanian musicians to build a bridge to each other's cultural heritage in the world of
music world. This is communicated through concerts, master classes, lectures,
studies, recordings and publications of music and literature. The activities are primarily
in Denmark, Albania and Kosova.
The association is named after Lola Aleksi Gjoka (1910-1987), who was the first
concert pianists in Albania at a time when Albania had to rediscover its identity after
500 years of occupation by the Ottoman Empire. She was also a concertmaster, composer,
educator, choreographer and accompanist to the first bel canto singers in Albania,
who, together with Lola, set out to create an Albanian cultural renaissance. They held
classical concerts all over Albania and collected Albanian folk songs, which Lola
wrote in the music notation system and composed the piano accompaniment, in a classical style
but with Albanian flavour. These songs are a rosetta stone that had almost been
forgotten, but were revived in Denmark with the first complete release by
Lola Aleksi Gjoka's songs. (More info at The project is
the inspiration for the founding of the association.

Article 2.
The association's activities are non-profit or open to anyone who supports
the association's purpose.

§ 3. Membership
(1). Anyone who wishes to support the association's purpose is admitted as a member.
(2). Membership is only valid when the member has paid the membership fee, which
determined every two years at the general meeting.
(3). The board may refuse membership if it deems that membership may
be detrimental to the association's activities. The board's decision can be brought before
general meeting.
(4). Appeal of the board's decision does not have suspensive effect.
(5) Membership is made by written application to the board.
(6). If a member of the association wishes to resign, this must also be done in writing
to the board with one month's notice. Membership expires with non-payment of
payment of the membership fee.
Article 7. If the board deems that an existing member is detrimental to the association's
the association's activities, he or she may be excluded by decision of the board.
The board's decision can be appealed to the general meeting.

§ 4. The general meeting
Paragraph 1. The general meeting is the highest authority of the association.
(2). The Annual General Meeting is held every other year in May.
The general meeting is convened with at least three weeks' notice by e-mail to
members, stating the agenda.
(3). All members are entitled to attend and vote at the general meeting who
have paid the due membership fee no later than the previous weekday.
(4). Voting can only take place in person.
(5) Proposals from members must be submitted to the chairman of the board no later than two weeks
before the general meeting.
(6). The agenda for the annual general meeting must include at least
the following items:
1. Election of vote counters
2. Election of chairman
3. Chairman's report
4. Presentation of accounts
5. Consideration of proposals received
6. Determination of membership fees
7. Approval of budget
8. Election of chairman
9. Election of secretary
10. election of treasurer
11. Election of auditor and one deputy auditor
12. Any other business
Article 7. Proposed amendments to the articles of association must be submitted to the board of directors
Board no later than three months prior to the end of the month in which the
general meeting is to be held.
Article 8. The general meeting is chaired by a chairman elected at the general meeting.
Paragraph 9. The general meeting makes its decisions by simple majority (more than
half of the validly cast votes) and by a show of hands. In the event of
equality of votes, the chairman's vote is decisive. A written vote shall be used
however, when requested by only one person entitled to vote. In the election of the chairman, the following shall apply
in the event that no candidate receives a majority in the first round, a second vote is taken
among the two candidates who have received the most votes and who have not chosen to withdraw
withdraw. In the event of a tie between the two, the vote of the incumbent chairman
shall be decisive.

§ 5. Extraordinary general meeting
Paragraph 1. An extraordinary general meeting may be held when the board deems it necessary
necessary and shall be held when at least 1/3 of the active members submit a
request in writing to the President, stating reasons. In such cases, the
general meeting shall be held no later than four weeks after the request has
the chairman's knowledge.
Paragraph 2. The notice period for an extraordinary general meeting is two weeks.

§ Article 6. The association's daily management
Subclause 1. The day-to-day management of the association consists of the board of directors, which consists of 3 or 5
members elected by the general meeting for 2 years at a time.
(2). The board manages the association in accordance with these articles of association
and the decisions of the general meeting.
(3). No later than 14 days after new elections to the board, a constituent meeting is held. All
positions of trust are valid until the next general meeting.
Subclause 4. In the event that one or more board members can no longer serve on the
the Board of Directors due to death, exclusion or resignation, the Board of Directors shall
the board of directors shall supplement itself until the next general meeting. The board of directors decides which
of the board members to take up vacant positions.
Paragraph 5. The board of directors shall otherwise determine its own rules of procedure. It may establish
subcommittees and working groups to carry out specific tasks.
(6). The chairman convenes and chairs the board's meetings. Meetings are convened when
the chairman deems it necessary, or when at least two members of the board
submit a request to the chairman. In such cases, the meeting shall be held no later than
2 weeks after the request has been brought to the attention of the chairman.
(7) The Board of Directors may appoint particularly suitable persons from Denmark and
internationally as honorary members or to an advisory council who can contribute with
their experience and insight to the work of the association.

§ Article 7. Finances, accounting and auditing
Paragraph 1. The association's financial year follows the calendar year.
Subclause 2. The board is responsible to the general meeting for the budget and
(3). The association's accounts are kept by the treasurer.
Subclause 4. The accounts are audited by the auditor elected at the general meeting.

§ Article 8. Subscription rules and liability
Subclause 1. The association is externally signed by the chairman and the treasurer. When
borrowing loans and the sale/pledging of real estate, the association is signed by the
the entire board of directors.
(2). The board of directors or other members of the association are not personally
personal liability for the obligations incumbent on the association.

§ 9. Amendments to the Articles of Association
(1). These Articles of Association can only be amended by a 2/3 majority at a general meeting where
the amendment appears on the agenda.
(2). Amendments to the Articles of Association shall enter into force with effect from the general meeting at which
at which they are adopted.
§ 10. Dissolution
Subclause 1. Dissolution of the association can only take place with a 3/4 majority if proposed by
the board at the general meeting and the members have been informed in writing beforehand.
Subclause 2. In the event of dissolution, the association's assets shall be used for similar
cultural projects as decided by the dissolving general meeting.


§ Article 11. Dating
(1). Thus adopted at the founding general meeting on May 23, 2023.
Chairperson's name and signature:

Tom Gillesberg
Name and signature of the chairman
Feride Gillesberg

At the first annual general meeting, the following board members were elected: Feride Istogu Gillesberg
(chairman), Steffen Lund (secretary) and Tom Gillesberg (treasurer).